Please click HERE to listen to possible music selections.
Please Note: Many of these suggestions can be sung or performed as instrumentals, depending on how they are being utilized in the liturgy.
Ritual Music for the Nuptial Mass
Mass of Christ the Savior by Schutte
Mass of Creation by Haugen
Mass of Joy and Peace by Alonso
Mass of Redemption by Janco
Mass of Renewal by Stephan
Mass Setting
Mass of Christ the Savior by Schutte
Mass of Creation by Haugen
Mass of Joy and Peace by Alonso
Mass of Redemption by Janco
Mass of Renewal by Stephan
Please Note: Many of these suggestions can be sung or performed as instrumentals, depending on how they are being utilized in the liturgy.
- Allegro from Water Music—George Frederick Handel Suggested Use: Recessional
- Ave Maria—Schubert (requires vocalist) Suggested Use: Devotion to Mary
- Bridal Chorus—Wagner Suggested Use: Bride
- Canon in D—Pachelbel Suggested Use: Parents, Bridal Party, Bride
- Christ Be Our Light #590 Suggested Use: Preparation
- Eat This Bread #941 Suggested Use: Communion
- Gift of Finest Wheat #940 Suggested Use: Communion
- God in the Planning #970 Suggested Use: Preparation
- Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring—Bach Suggested Use: Parents, Bridal Party, Bride
- Joyful Joyful We Adore You #614 Suggested Use: Recessional
- Let Us Be Bread #946 Suggested Use: Communion
- Love Divine All Loves Excelling #641 Suggested Use: Bridal Party, Preparation
- Love One Another—King Suggested Use: Prelude, Parents, Unity Candle, Preparation
- Make me a Channel of Your Peace #828 Suggested Use: Preparation
- Morning Has Broken #855 Suggested Use: Prelude
- One Bread One Body #932 Suggested Use: Communion
- Prelude in C Major—Bach Suggested Use: Bridal Party
- Spring from the Four Seasons—Vivaldi Suggested Use: Recessional
- The Gift of Love—Hal Hopson Suggested Use: Prelude
- The King of Love #712 (ST COLUMBIA) Suggested Use: Bridal Party, Preparation, Communion
- The Servant Song #751 Suggested Use: Preparation
- Trumpet Tune—Purcell Suggested Use: Bride
- Trumpet Voluntary-Jeremiah Clarke Suggested Use: Bride
- Ubi Caritas –Hurd #696 Suggested Use: Communion
- Wedding March—Felix Mendelssohn Suggested Use: Recessional
- When Love is Found #966 (O WALY WALY) Suggested Use: Parents, Unity Candle, Preparation
Ritual Music for the Nuptial Mass
Mass of Christ the Savior by Schutte
Mass of Creation by Haugen
Mass of Joy and Peace by Alonso
Mass of Redemption by Janco
Mass of Renewal by Stephan
Mass Setting
Mass of Christ the Savior by Schutte
Mass of Creation by Haugen
Mass of Joy and Peace by Alonso
Mass of Redemption by Janco
Mass of Renewal by Stephan